Sunday, 15 January 2012

Denim Project Pitch

forgot to mention, last week we pitched our 'Denim' images and i think mine went down quite well
the theme was understandable and i think they quite liked my concept
however, i did manage to cock up on the actual delivery of my presentation
I'm one of these people who just 'blags' a presentation, if i practice or plan i end up going wrong
last pitch went really well but Emma (our tutor) told me that she wanted to see how much of an improvement i would make if i planned a pitch... well i did and i ended up forgetting a quote that was the main reference point of my pitch. i would have easily remembered it had i just wanted to throw it in but because i had to 'plan' a presentation, i buggered it up and it went wrong... i shall be going back to my usual blagging ways !

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